Commentaires de M.P. André Matthiolus, medecin senois, sur les six liures de Pedacius Dioscoride Anazarbeen de la matiere medecinale : traduits de latin en françois par M. Antoine du Pinet, & de nouueau accreus d'vn bon nombre de figures, & reueus & augmentez en plus de mille lieux sur la derniere edition de l'autheur : auec plusieurs tables fort amples, les vnes medicinales, les autres des mots & matieres traitees esdits commentaires : le tout au prouffit & commodité des amateurs de la medicine
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Commentaires de M.P. André Matthiolus, medecin senois, sur les six liures de Pedacius Dioscoride Anazarbeen de la matiere medecinale : traduits de latin en françois par M. Antoine du Pinet, & de nouueau accreus d'vn bon nombre de figures, & reueus & augmentez en plus de mille lieux sur la derniere edition de l'autheur : auec plusieurs tables fort amples, les vnes medicinales, les autres des mots & matieres traitees esdits commentaires : le tout au prouffit & commodité des amateurs de la medicine
- Publication date
- 1572
- Topics
- Leaves, Plant anatomy, Botany, Feuilles, Plantkunde, Bladeren, Dioscorides Pedanius, of Anazarbos, Materia medica, Vegetable, Botany, Medical, Medicine, Greek and Roman, Dioscorides Pedanius, of Anazarbos. De materia medica, Materia medica, Vegetable -- Early works to 1800, Botany, Medical -- Early works to 1800, Medicine, Greek and Roman -- Early works to 1800
- Publisher
- A Lyon : A l'Escu de Milan, par la vefue de feu Gabriel Cotier
- Contributor
- Getty Research Institute
- Language
- French
- Item Size
- 12.4G
Signatures: *⁴ A-2V⁴
Title printed in red and black; engraved title vignette; woodcut head- and tail-pieces; initials
The plates are engraved by Jan Wandelaar and Jacobus van der Schley
Nissen, C. Botanische Buchillustration
Binding: mottled calf; spine rebacked preserving original gold-tooled backstrip; gilt label on spine; sprinkled edges
Gift of Tania Norris
Errata: p. [32] (third series)
Pagination irregular: p. 1-2, 63-64, 67-68, 85-87, 90-92 and 599 numbered as leaves
Illustrated title page; head-pieces; initials; woodcut illustrations of plants throughout
Includes index
Binding: calfskin; spine rebacked preserving original gold-tooled backstrip; edges sprinkled red; bookplate of Kenneth K. Mackenzie on front pastedown; ink signature on title page
[138], 606 [i.e. 619], [33] p. : 33 cm (fol.)
Title printed in red and black; engraved title vignette; woodcut head- and tail-pieces; initials
The plates are engraved by Jan Wandelaar and Jacobus van der Schley
Nissen, C. Botanische Buchillustration
Binding: mottled calf; spine rebacked preserving original gold-tooled backstrip; gilt label on spine; sprinkled edges
Gift of Tania Norris
Errata: p. [32] (third series)
Pagination irregular: p. 1-2, 63-64, 67-68, 85-87, 90-92 and 599 numbered as leaves
Illustrated title page; head-pieces; initials; woodcut illustrations of plants throughout
Includes index
Binding: calfskin; spine rebacked preserving original gold-tooled backstrip; edges sprinkled red; bookplate of Kenneth K. Mackenzie on front pastedown; ink signature on title page
[138], 606 [i.e. 619], [33] p. : 33 cm (fol.)
- Addeddate
- 2014-10-29 00:59:56
- Associated-names
- Du Pinet, Antoine, active 16th century; Cotier, Gabriel, -1565; Veuve de Gabriel Cotier
- Call number
- 9926372940001551
- Camera
- Phase One, P65+
- Foldoutcount
- 0
- Force-update
- true
- Identifier
- gri_33125012606816
- Identifier-ark
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- Lccn
- agr17000039
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- tesseract 5.3.0-6-g76ae
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- Possible copyright status
- Scan-center
- getty
- Scan-date
- 201427101110
- Scanner
- gri-digital-services
- Full catalog record
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